are you a brnt out blk grl?

I know I was! And maybe I still am. (And of course this applies to anyone and everyone!) After a decade in one profession, covid19 forced a needed pause. Demanded that I reflect on how and where I expend this limited resource called my time and energy. wheeeeewwww chile!!! I was tiiiiired. I was exhausted. I was BURNT OUT!

Socially isolated, my mom bought me a sewing machine. I actually started sewing at age 7. My mom enrolled me in a local library course and the instructor did not allow young children my age! But my awesome mom convinced the instructor, and that's where it all started. Thanks mama! 

Fast forward to today, creating these small batch masks gives me a way to check in when all I want to do is check out. Your mask was made intentionally, with love. Your mask was curated by someone who wants to see you get through this, with style ;) Your mask is unique in it's own right, just like you. 

This is just the beginning for BRNT OUT BLK GRL. I am so honored that you found this space, and I hope you enjoy your stay. Join our mailing list and let's get through this together. 

I see you,